I made this duct tape bracelet as a sample for the craft party and didn’t get a chance to demo how to make the chevrons. Here are full instructions on how to make the bracelet. Making the necklace is similar just fold several triangles and attach with jump rings using the instructions below.
Duct Tape
Cutting Mat
Xacto Knife
Jump Rings
Leather punch
Jewelry pliers
Measuring Tape
Duct Tape
Cutting Mat
Xacto Knife
Jump Rings
Leather punch
Jewelry pliers
Measuring Tape
Stretch several inches of tape facedown on a cutting mat
Cut the width of the tape slightly less than 2 in. so that you have a square.
Use knife to carefully lift square
Stack first square onto stretched tape to double up tape (this adds strength and weight) to the chevron
Press down and smooth tape and then cut second second layer of tape
Carefully lift doubled tape square and place it face up
Fold top two corners of square in like you are making a paper airplane
(this might take a few tries)
Cut the sticky part of the tape from the center where tape meets to the bottom
Fold the cut pieces from the center bottom to the top left
Then fold the right side and you will have a chevron
Trim any overlap from the fold
Repeat to make 3 chevrons
Use a leather punch, set to the smallest hole size, to make 6 holes in each chevron
Attach chevrons together using jump rings.
Loop in duct tape and close jump ring by pushing open ends back together
Here’s a photo of the chevrons after they have been attached, leave the ends to attach bands
To make the bands for bracelet. Stretch and cut duct tape to 5 in.
Cut duct tape in half lengthwise (appx. 7/8 of an inch)
Then stretch and cut another piece to 6 inches and cut in half length wise.
You will need 2 six-inch pieces and 1 five-inch piece
Carefully lift one piece and place face up, then fold in appx. 1/3 of the width
Then fold once more, turning sticky portion down
Do this for all 3 straps
Punch holes in both ends of all 3 strap pieces
Attach strap pieces to end of chevron chain using jump rings
Attach center strap to center piece of chevron on the other end of chevron chain.
Then cross two outer pieces attach to the other end of chevron chain with jump rings.
To get the bracelet on, work it on carefully. It will still be pretty loose. I tried different ways of making a clasp but I didn’t like the look. So, I decided it was better to have it be a little loose.
Source: http://craftchi.com
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